Thursday, April 28, 2011

360° Need

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchhill

“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” Lao Tzu

What goes around comes around. Treat others as you would have them treat you.

These sentiments have been expressed and said in many ways and the principle idea has often been and is the core of many motivational programs and books. So on the retreat, I wasn't surprised to hear the reference from the speaker about this idea but the twist was something worth considering. She suggested that we give what we perceive as our need and what we need will then be returned to us-full circle-360°need. What an insightful and awesome concept!

What Can I Give?

Not so long ago, I wrote about the idea, "Can I give what I don't have?" If I need a chair, how can I give a chair away so that my need will be filled?" My thinking/belief was that you can't give away what you don't have except for things like love and joy which come from God. However, a more complete/accurate answer really comes out of the truth that everything is Gods and belongs to God and He provides for our needs/wants out of His abundance. It is about the five loaves and two fishes.

Five Loaves and Two Fish

There is a basket being passed around in our lives. This basket is always available to us, meaning it is always near to us or in our hands. In it are five loaves and two fish.

The five loaves represent our basic needs as humans such as to be loved, respected, needed, food, water and shelter. The fish represent our need-wants.

When the basket is in your hands you have the opportunity to take out what you need/want and to put something back into the basket.

Whether you put something back or not, several things happen. Some of the things are internal-changes in your attitudes and beliefs. Likewise, there will be changes in those around us as they see what we are doing. This is peer pressure at its finest.

When we put something back into the basket this sets in motion a chain of events. Whether those events are positive or negative will in some degree be reflected by the ability of each person to accept and give back the gifts of bread and fish.

However, those who understand that the bread will never run out also accept that the fish will be there when needed. For these people, giving and receiving is a great joy and a blessing.

Great! Where is the basket?

The basket with bread in it is always one person away. Give what you recognize as bread from God, love, hope, peace etc., and it will be reciprocated to you. The basket with the fish might take a little longer to get to you but give what you can and wait and trust. Recognize that your true needs have been met with the bread and the fish are that something extra because He loves you. Give thanks to God and give from what He has already blessed you with.

One more thing to consider, for some giving is the easy part. This cycle however, is dependent on both giving and receiving. Every gift is in some way an extension of the giver. Every gift, regardless of the giver you see, is actually a gift from God and how and if you receive it is as important and maybe more important than how you share your gifts.

If you feel like your needs are not being met, try examining what you have been putting into and taking out of the basket. The basket is always there or one person away and always has bread available. The basket with the fish is on its way towards you.

God Bless!

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