Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It Is What It Is

Today I'm inclined to share a poem with you that I wrote. It is a rough draft but I like where it is at, for now. This poem is a part of what I experienced on the retreat. It is all good. Thanks be to God.

It Is What It Is
Julie Durr

“It is what it is,” she said to Him
“It is what it is,” He said to her
All is well, be still my soul.

She said, “It is anxiety, turmoil, trouble, stress.”
“It is.” He said, “All is well, be still and rest.
It is what it is.”

“What?” she said. “I want to do, I want to be
I want, no, I need, to go…to do…to act.”
“No,” He said. “You need to believe
It is what it is.”

Don’t stop at “what”-stop at “is”
It “is” growth through struggles
Rising above trouble
Dealing with stress and being your best.

“It” is what “you are” and “I am”
You are a reflection of Me as man.
“It is what it is.”
So Tag…you’re “it”!

Hope you enjoyed "it". lol
Blessings and peace!

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