Monday, May 2, 2011

Have you looked at the "Z" words in a dictionary lately?

"Z" words are rather intense. Well, except maybe "zany" and "zebu". Well and then there is "Zig" and "Zag" but the rest of the them, I'm telling you they are intense. I wrote two "Z" blogs today on zealot and then decided-way too intense.

So I picked up the dictionary, hoping to find an inspirational word that didn't set off the intensometer...(if you have spell check on you will likely realize that intensometer is not a real word-bad writer...stop making up words.) Wait, making up words is fun. I like it. Yes, yes, I like that idea. I'm going to make up a blog with fake "Z" words and one real "Z" word. Will you know which word is the real "z" word? Let's find out. (Turn off your spell checker. lol)

Life has taken a serious turn in the world, there have been earthquakes, floods and of course, the killing of Osama bin Laden. In response, this post is totally zirky and ziphous. Everything from this word on until I say so, is fake, and a lie. I'm generally not good at lying-oh wait that is true. lol Hmmm this is harder than I thought.

Anyway, I had a visitor today that showed me how to make a zataphat. The many layers of zittles and zazzes were beautiful. It had a zooglea type appearance that some might however find unappetizing. The zog thought it was delicious. I didn't dare try it as I have a slight zerphili like reaction to zataphat. I really shouldn't even write about it as even the thought of it sometimes causes zippets to appear. Dang, there is one now. I must apply zintz ointment right away. BRB

I'm better now. Well, if this blog post is any indication of my zatitude, I may be in trouble. The first step is recognizing the problem. The second step is treatment with zynopop. Have you ever had zynopop? They make it with soda or pop depending on your geographical location and zysoph extract. Zysoph is a plant that has a flower with three orange petals and three purple petals. It is poisonous to eat but an extract from the stem induces a euphoric like response. Must be why I like zynopop so much.

Ok-that's it. I can't make up any more words. It just isn't natural. So which word do you think is the real "z" word? I'll let you know in the comments.


  1. I'm not even going to hazard a guess. I'll wait for the "reveal" in the comments. Fun post.

  2. I'm thinking that zintz is the real word; maybe even a proper noun?

  3. The real "Z" word is zooglea.

    Zooglea is a gelatinous or mucilaginous mass formed by bacteria growing in fluid media rich in organic material and made up of bacterial bodies embedded in a matrix of swollen confluent capsule substance.

    I don't think I want any zataphat if it looks like
