Friday, May 13, 2011

T is for "Turkeys in the Road"

Not what you expected? lol

So what can I say about turkeys in the road. Apparently, not too much. I took this picture just down the road from where I live. The turkeys don't come around the farm much probably because of the dogs. 
I once thought I wanted to raise different kinds of peacocks, guinea hens, ducks etc. However, the rooster and the the two guinea hens we now have are starting to chip away at any likelihood of us ever getting anything other than hens. Maybe ducks would be okay?

The rooster has taken to crowing loudly right outside of the doors at what seems like all hours but usually when I'm trying to write. Then the rascal has been digging up my herb/flower gardens. It is rather distracting to have to put chicken wire over my flowers. Definitely not as pretty as it could be. 

Now the guinea hens, I have defended because they are supposed to be great tick eaters and watchbirds. It is true they will let us know when someone arrives but so do the dogs. It is rather noisy. It is unlikely that anyone will sneak up on us. However, the guinea hens and the rooster have been charging people and some of them (the people) are getting really fed up with it. As for being great tick eaters-I don't know, I threw a tick right in front of them one day and they totally ignored it.

Guinea hens are also not supposed to scratch up gardens like chickens and roosters are known to do. This may be true but the whole creating a place to take a dust bath has made a mess of several areas around the farm and if there were plants there, they are gone. 

Yet how could I ever even consider getting rid of Clucker-Snowy Pants or our last two surviving guinea hens?  They are fun to watch and they follow me all over the farm. If they would just eat the ticks in front of me, instead of the  ticks that missed jumping on me when I went by then maybe I wouldn't be so disenchanted with the birds.

Kind of reminds me of that quote by Albert Camus:

“Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”


Except I don't want to be friends with the birds, I just want them to eat the ticks.


Aren't they cute, in an ugly sort of way?

Enough of the rambling, what about the turkeys in the road? Ummm...their brains aren't too big, so pass with care. lol

Have a great day!


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